Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Know I Shouldn't...

...but I just can't help it. I cut my wrist about a four days ago, but I keep picking at it. Its going to scar over eventually and that doesn't really bother me in the slightest. I feel as if I deserve the scar. I got angry, lost my temper and injured... Am I going crazy? Do I care? Answers: Not sure and Yes.

I'm starting to see shadows shift in the night and bend unnaturally during the day. That's one of the ways I know that I am stressing too much. Yes, I do care if I'm going mad... it means I may be committed and I do not want that. Maybe I'll discuss this with Dr B at our next session.

I'm also considering giving her access to this blog. Not my private journal, that is strictly for me. It may have some bearing come Thursday when we speak again.

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