Sunday, December 25, 2011

Please, Somebody Turn Off That Radio!

I don't usually care what people listen to on their iPods or radios, but please will "The Man" stop subjecting me to the torture of repetitive holiday music? Today is 24 December, 2011 and I have been forced to endure a whole month of this! So glad it is over. Hopefully, they will change Muzak before I get to work on Monday. I swear those carols have a way of boring into ones ear and get stuck in the brain, churning around until it seems the brain matter will become mush.

Speaking of work, guess who was kept on as permanent? Go on, guess! Kill joys... I was kept on and will be moving to Hardware and Housewares. If all goes well, I can transfer to the new store that will be opening near my house in a few months. It would be nice to work so close. I can walk to work! Save on gas money.

We'll see how things go.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


It was brought to my attention that TWLOHA --To Write Love On Her Arms-- seems to exclude men. The organization is a non-profit that helps and brings attention to self injury, namely in females. But this is inaccurate. Half the self harmers I know are male, making them feel isolated. I sent an email to them in hopes that they add men and boys to the site as a focus.

About a quarter of the population injure, that group is about fifty-fifty between the genders. Self harm used to be a female coping mechanism, but then men started to open up more and show that self injury effects everyone.