Saturday, August 18, 2012


Well, I was invited by a friend of mine to attend a steampunk convention next year, if we can swing it. So I thought I should best get ideas together for an ensemble. I was thinking of going as what I do best. I'm a writer, I could make a costume that incorporates pens, paper, ink. I was thinking of taking some blank index cards, dying them with tea to age them and adding information to them like the old card catalogs from libraries. Of course I'm going to make them  fake, books that have never been published, namely mine. :) I plan on fanning them to a hat.

Because I don't want to wear a dress, I'm thinking of drover pants, you can see them in old Western movies, cowboys wore them before denim. I could take boots with laces and put gears at the eyelets. I'm thinking of a bolero vest and maybe a light weight coat, long one. The jewelry is easy, I can make that in my sleep. I don't know, just seems like something fun.   

It'd be interesting to see how the whole thing works, what will happen. And the good news is that I can also wear the outfit to Comic-Con.