Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Breakfast At Tiffany's

I've never seen it before. Katie loves the movie and when we first met, she said we had to see it together. Tonight it was showing at the cinema and I thought it would be nice to see it on the big screen with Katie and her sister, Tiffany. They both love the film and made no argument to see it on the Silver Screen.

Mum told me that it was boring, that I wouldn't like it. I reminded her of my love of silent films and The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965 Rex Harrison, Charlton Heston). She shrugged it off, and now thinks I'm insane for liking Breakfast at Tiffany's. I want to read the book now, by Trueman Capote.

It was nice to see a movie with a small group instead of the large bands that usually accompany TG and her family. I prefer the smaller groups to the larger tribes.

This evening, while waiting for my two partners in crime to join me, I was going to sit at the bistro seats in the lobby. None of them were in a place where I didn't feel exposed so I opted to go ahead into the theater and wait there, reading until they arrived.

All in all it was a rare nice evening. Katie texted just after I got to my car asking if her Alk was all right and safe. "Her" Alk. Its odd, I don't think I remember anyone claiming me as their own before. Its an odd feeling, but not one that makes me feel uncomfortable. Really, it makes me feel cared about.