Thursday, September 29, 2011


I know its been a while and I have no excuse or reason other then I have been lazy. I work in a call centre answering phones and taking messages, so I am loathe to be on the computer when I get home. I hate my job, by the way. Every time I have to work with Fat Sow I end up hurting myself. The woman is a bitch and an abusive one at that. She has this superiority complex that she imposes upon people like me, rookies. She's unnecessarily rude and harsh. If you don't see the answer on the computer, she practically yells in your ear. Every time she tells me I made a mistake, its a hiss in my ear and a I end up clawing my hand so I can take some of the edge off.

I have not gone more then three days without injury since I started this pissy job and I can't afford my therapist at the moment so its one hell of a situation. It sucks! I can't seem to keep calm around her. Fat Sow smells like nicotine and rotted milk! She's filthy, uneducated and disgusting. I hate working with her!! I feel like I'm falling with nothing to hang onto.