Sunday, June 3, 2012


Been a rough couple of days. I haven't been sleeping again, which does nothing to improve my moods. I'm edgy and annoyed, which in turn causes me to stew over things then I get urgy and then I injure. Its a horrid cycle. I was late for work yesterday and that isn't good for me. I view it a failure and that never goes well. I banged my hand so bad that now its all swollen and sore. I really should be more careful.

I did receive my latest copies of Fullmetal Alchemist, my reward for not injuring for a month. No cuts and no burns! I have to say that I am proud of myself for this. I have bruised myself in that time, but nothing that left scars. I'm feeling a little hyper and panicky. I just need to sleep damn it. Last night, I slept but tossed and turned, no nightmares that I can recall. Sick of the nightmares, though they do provide a good basis for stories.

I guess that's all I have right now. Ciao!